Introducing Ops Digest: A Newsletter For Operations Professionals

February 7, 2023
September 7, 2022
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Introducing Ops Digest: A Newsletter For Operations Professionals

Ops teams are the people inside organizations best suited for meeting the business challenges of the present. Never have their skills been in higher demand. Whether it’s streamlining complex processes, automating manual tasks, or finding a way to use technology to better empower people, this is ops’ time to shine.

Yet there’s just one problem: Ops professionals still lack tools and resources designed specifically for them.

Ops professionals need more. You need more—and deserve better.

That’s one reason Tonkean started Ops Digest, a monthly newsletter for ops professionals. Consider it a resource—a primer on what’s happening in the ops world, and a community hub to help you learn from other ops professionals.

The first issue of Ops Digest is live now. Click here to subscribe.

Here’s a sneak preview at what this month’s newsletter includes:

Top of the Ops

Every month, we round up everything you need to know about what’s happening in the world of ops.

This month, we’re highlighting the increased recent investment in ops teams, as well as spotlighting new resources coming online specifically for ops.

To make your life easier, for example, Tonkean’s new Component Library offers an extensive suite of ready-to-use components, which ops professionals can browse and import directly into your Tonkean boards. You can make your own, too.

Ops in the Field

In this month’s installment of Ops in the Field, we write about Rahul Desai, an ops expert who recently led business operations at the insurtech company, Pathpoint. Now he’s the founder of Upslope, an “alternative business education program that helps people break into non-technical roles in finance, consulting, and tech.”

When asked why he started Upslope, Desai cited higher education’s failure to teach college students valuable, operational skills. “There are too many schools producing bachelor’s degrees that are not taking into account the tactical skills graduates need to get good jobs,” he says.

Upslope’s mission is to enable “anyone to acquire the necessary skills to obtain their desired job” or enter the profession they’re interested in.

We think all this is pretty excellent—in particular for ops professionals who’re hungry for resources that might help them level up their skillset.

Learn more about what Rahul’s doing with Upslope here. And tell us about clever solutions, success stories, and awesome ideas you want your ops peers to know about for future newsletters.

Community Spotlight

AdaptivOps just launched their first ever AdaptivOps Top Ops Superstar Awards. They asked the greater operations community to tell us who is doing the most innovative and influential work within the operations space. The nominations poured in, and from them, five finalists were selected.

This month, we highlight the finalists, which include an ops leader who is also the author of an upcoming book on RevOps; an ops pro who doubles as a mentor for the next generation of ops professionals; and a “superhero” COO who understands the problems vexing ops teams working inside organizations today—and who solves those problems with an approach that’s not only creative and collaborative but thoroughly compassionate.

Click here to learn more about who these folks are, what they’re doing, why they were nominated—with words directly from the nominators themselves—and why they’re such important and inspiring leaders to watch in 2022 and beyond.

Maestro’s Minutes

Finally, each month we share “Maestro’s Minutes,” which include release notes, updates, and bug fixes fresh from the Tonkean engineering team.

A big update this month: workspace apps. While one benefit of Tonkean is that it sits a layer above your existing applications, and can orchestrate business processes behind the scenes, some users want to create a dedicated user experience for the solutions they build within Tonkean, and workspace apps provide just that.

Across multiple pages, workspace apps not only provide a way to interact with your solutions, but also illustrate their value to process contributors, helping to highlight process improvements, cost savings, or other important key metrics.

Examples of workspace apps include intake and triage portals, as well as customer lifecycle management.

You can build a workspace app for any solution using the widget-based page builder, add and iterate on the pages that comprise your workspace app, and share it with your process contributors!

Check out this month’s Release Notes for a full run-down of all the new capabilities and updates that’ve been made recently to the Tonkean platform.

September’s Ops Digest is live!

Alright, that’s it for this month. Click here to sign up to receive future editions of the newsletter directly to your inbox. And let us know if you have any questions!

More soon.

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